Greetings Modern Women! Who's starting to feel cooped up? I don't know about you, but I could use some positive interaction! So, I’ve decided to start a virtual Happy Hour for anyone who wants to join me.
There will be a new login link posted in this blog post each week so you know how to get onto the call.
To log onto the call on April 23rd at 4:30 PM Central Time
To join from your computer or tablet:
Meeting ID: 995 4420 8421
To join from your smartphone:
To join from landline:
+1 669 900 6833
Meeting ID: 995 4420 8421
We’ll talk about resources, coping strategies, staying grounded, and anything else we want to chat about. I can imagine any number of special guests we can invite to share expertise on how to focus on the present and stay positive.
Come as you are. BYOB.
Let’s laugh!